Welcome to

Better Birthdays!

A global movement focusing on

birthdays as a platform for combating ageism.

What makes a birthday better?

When it is a celebration, of course. This may seem obvious, but underlying some of the ways we mark birthdays are some ugly and inaccurate beliefs about what our age tells us. 

Both consumers and producers of greeting cards have successfully tackled other prejudices based on identity, like race and sexual identity. Now it is time to tackle ageism and stop making, selling and buying cards that denigrate people based on age.

  • Find out why ageism matters to people of all ages.

  • Resources

    View our collection of better birthday cards and support the makers.

  • blog

    Dig deeper into issues around ageism in our blog.

How do you feel about birthday cards that mock age?

If you’re over 50, take our survey to have your say.

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